Beshi (べし) is a character appearing in Extraordinary Ataro, and as a member of Akatsuka's Star System.
He is notable for being one of various talking "funny animal"-type characters through Akatsuka's works; in this case, a frog.
Beshi was another animal mascot character introduced in the Ataro series, to provide companionship for Nyarome as well as be another creature seen among town.
His name derived from the speech of the village elder in the film The Seven Samurai, with the usage of the word "yarubeshi".
Beshi is a small green frog, drawn with simplistic stick figure limbs and bearing a bit of a mustache. He tends to wink one eye or the other shut.
Beshi is a calm, laid-back sort who tends to idly sit by and observe what is going on, contrasting against the louder Nyarome's behavior.