Osomatsu-san on STAGE: SIX MEN'S SHOW TIME is a musical stage show adaptation of the anime Osomatsu-san (2015). It is directed by Shinichi Ono, and ran at Osaka's Umeda Art Theatre Drama City from September 29 to October 3, 2016 followed by a showing at Tokyo's Zepp Blue Theater in Roppongi from October 13 to 23rd.
The musical has since been released on home video.
Two soundtracks were also been released containing the songs featured in the musical.
Prologue: The brothers are fishing.
Opening: Hanamaru Pippi wa Yoiko Dake plays, and the actors and actress are introduced as so their characters.
Quick Musical Interlude
First Skit: Karamatsu wakes up his brothers, for not being able to sleep.
Second skit: F6 perform.
Third skit: The brothers talk during lunch.
- Osomatsu- Shouta Takasaki (normal), Yuuki Izawa (F6)
- Karamatsu- Yusuke Kashiwagi (normal), Masanari Wada (F6)
- Choromatsu Matsuno- Keisuke Ueda (normal), Kento Ono (F6)
- Ichimatsu Matsuno- Ryo Kitamura (normal), Yuuya Asato (F6)
- Jyushimatsu Matsuno- Ren Ozawa (normal), Shinichi Wago (F6)
- Todomatsu Matsuno- Ryotaro Akazawa (normal), Yuuki Nakayama (F6)
- Totoko- Ran Sakai
- Iyami- Mitsu Murata
- Chibita- Kimeru
- Hatabo- Yuuya Hara
- Original manga- Fujio Akatsuka ("Osomatsu-kun")
- Director- Shinichi Ono
- Screenplay- Naohiro Ise, Yuki Kaname, Hiroyuki Komine
- Sponsored by- Osomatsu-san on STAGE Production Committee 2016